Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mission Statement


Noun: The instruction or improvement of a person morally or intellectually: "the idea that art's main purpose is edification".

As a soon to be twenty four year old, college drop out, transient, avid reader, amateur chef there's a lot left wanting in my life.  But recently a move to Philadelphia and a driving yen to make something of my life have led me to start his blog to chronicle my self-edification or "my own self instruction of my own person morally and intellectually."

I plan on discussing books I've read and am reading, classes I matriculate or audit, recipes I've created, charitable doings and any other interests I investigate.  I find my interests vary and widen, especially as the years get on and, having a habit of wanting to learn all I can, I become an amateur authority.  A few years ago an infatuation with partying and psychotropics turned me into, as I like to call it, a street pharmacologist.  

An infatuation with partying and psychotropics also turned me into a bit of a depressed bore and I am very happy that this is now behind me as I attempt to turn myself into an intellectual without using a prescribed college plan.  The idea of an honorary degree is attractive and would save me about one hundred thousand dollars.  Now to quote Ernest Hemingway in a passage that I feel is terribly relevant to a lot of this generation and myself;

"I don't love."
"You will. I know you will. Then you will be happy."

It is a conversation from A Farewell to Arms between the protagonist, who does not love, and a priest whose response, to me details, a faith that he will love, but must first love himself and then will be happy.  Seeming that in a time of war one loses love for oneself as a defense mechanism.  My war is not having a college degree.  Let us see if I cannot find love for myself.